A live-action comedy series, Phil of the Future introduces 15-year-old Phil Diffy as the teenager of tomorrow, literally. After the Diffy family's time machine breaks down, leaving them stranded in the middle of their time-traveling vacation, Phil must adapt to present day suburbia. He finds it isn't easy being the new kid on the block or the new kid in the century, and struggles to fit in and make friends, all the while keeping some of the biggest parts of his life secret. It's not until he meets neighbour Keely Teslow that he can share his futuristic gadgets that allow savory meals to be sprayed out of a can and relate stories of his parents -- the loving and half robotic mother Barbara who's circuitry always needs adjusting and his engineer father Lloyd whose paranoid about being found out by the government. Further complicating matters is his little sister Pim and her not-so-nice attempts to take over the world ? or at least her middle school; and Curtis, the caveman who stowed away on the Diffys time machine when it passed through the pre-historic age.
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